Lesson on Faith from a Man With No Hope (Healing the Lame Man)
Christchurchmansfield   -  

Do you want to be healed?

That question when asked by Jesus to a man who was lame and unable to move means so much more than we think. Rather than it just being an invitation to solve a problem, relieve suffering, and remove pain, it is an invitation to be completely changed from the inside out. Jesus comes to heal the broken, including the broken world from sin. His salvation, and His healing, penetrates to the very core of our identity – who we are and what we ultimately want or desire. And in this question, we are faced with the reality that our healing not from the various pools of misplaced hope, but from the very source of life itself that comes from outside us – Jesus. And the one to whom everything else has pointed to has now come to heal and restore and renew His creation through the redemption of His cross.

Part 12 of the series Walking with God: A Journey Through the Gospel of John.

Sermon Text: John 5:1-18

Guest Preacher: Justin Smith (RUF Campus Minister at UNT)

Christ Church Mansfield exists to help all people believe the gospel of Jesus more deeply and apply it more widely in Dallas / Fort Worth and beyond. We are a gospel-centered, reformed, and missional church and members of Acts 29, Presbyterian Church in America, and The Gospel Coalition.